Inventors Camp for Girls Days 2 & 3

Day Two of Inventors camp was a blast!

The most popular activity for the day was learning all about 3D Printing! Each girl was challenged to learn Tinker Cad and create a small charm or bead to be 3D printed. It was clear that they were excited to learn this new superhero skill! The girls finished this design with smiles ear to ear. ( And haven’t stopped asking to do more!)


3D Printing!

Learning Tinker Cad

Watching the process in action!

Watching the process in action!

We also discussed bio-mimicry, and thought of examples of things from nature that we see in science and engineering. Our design challenge was based on the integration of bio-mimicry and 3D printing.

While designing water striders, the girls used their creativity and showcased their modeling skills.

Will it float?

Will it float?

At the end of the day it was great to hear about all the new skills that the girls had learned. They loved talking about the connections they made with these challenges and their own lives!

Day three was one of the best days yet! Our day was full of fun, creativity and innovation! It flew by!

We jumped right in to computer programming when the girls arrived. As soon as they logged in, they didn't want to stop! The girls were challenged to create a Public Service Announcement on water, using the program Scratch. It was exciting for them to share what they created at the end of the activity!



Our amazing counselor Hadleigh gave us a big surprise! She shared with the girls how she got in to the field of engineering; through origami!

What can we make next!?

What can we make next!?

To finish up our day, we had 2 special guests!

Time to create!

Time to create!

Matt and Sara from Tufts University shared with the girls a program where they created stamps! They logged in to a program called Easel, and designed their own. The next step was seeing how they would go from the computer screen to their hands!

Getting ready to cut!

Getting ready to cut!

The girls got to see their designs carved in foam board using a tool called a CNC Machine. We can't wait to use the stamps tomorrow!

These past couple days have been amazing and we can't wait to see what we will design next!